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low-speed data中文是什么意思

用"low-speed data"造句"low-speed data"怎么读"low-speed data" in a sentence


  • 低速数据


  • Specifications of tdm equipment operating on analog telephone - type circuit for telegraph and lower - speed data
  • With the increasing of mobile phone users and high - speed asymmetrical data service , the second generation mobile communication system ( 2g ) which can only provide symmetrical speech service and low - speed data service ca n ' t meet demand
    随着移动用户数量的迅猛增长,高速率非对称的ip型数据业务、多媒体业务的日益剧增,仅限于对称的语音业务和低速数据业务的第二代移动通信系统( gsm 、 is - 95cdma )频率资源越来越紧张,已不能满足需要。
  • Indeed , for some decades now , power line wires have been ? used for low - speed data communication , culminating in such standards and products as lonworks , cebus , and x - 10 , as well as many proprietary systems for the transmission of control and management signals
    事实上,在最近的几十年,电力线已经被用于低速数据通信,在lonworks , cebus , andx - 10等电力线标准中都有提及和应用,特别是在一些特定系统中用于传输控制和管理信号。
  • The main research issues consist of following aspects : 1 . based on non - real - time ethernet and windows2000 , we research how to meet the real - time requirement for hsm working procedure , via using shared data buffer to resolve the conflict between high - speed data acquisition and low - speed data process , then combine hsm features , correctly set priority among processes and threads , and compositively use software and hardware technical
    主要内容为: 1 .详细研究了在采用非实时的以太网( ethernet )和windows2000操作系统基础上,如何通过使用共享数据区缓冲、解决高速数据采集与低速数据处理分析的矛盾,结合热连轧的工艺特点,合理设置进、线程优先级,综合运用软、硬件措施满足象热连轧生产过程这样的快速过程的实时性要求。
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